

All Gaelscoil na Móna’s policies are developed according to current Department of Education (DENI) regulations and guidelines. The policies are regularly reviewed according to DENI regulations, good practice and the changing needs of our school. An important part of the development process is parental input, ensuring that the care and success of our children is always central. To have your voice heard in the development of Gaelscoil na Móna’s policies and procedures, return any questionnaires sent home with your child, attend parent/teacher meetings, attend annual curriculum meetings and become involved in school life by taking part in the Parent Council, or by volunteering in school.

Ní neart go cur le chéile

Below are some links relating to Irish Medium education:

Dónall Mac Giolla Chóill - Tábhacht Na Gaeilge - The Importance of Irish


The standard of English and Mathematics in Irish-medium Schools above the national average

Below are links about the benefits of bilingual education:

New report highlights the benefits of bilingualism for mathematics students in Ireland

Are bilingual children smarter? 7 reasons to teach your child a second language: from the cognitive to cultural benefits

Advantages of bilingualism

The Advantages of Being Bilingual

Below are links to some Irish Language agencies’ websites:

Iontaobhas na Gaelscolaíochta (the Trust Fund for Irish-Medium Education)

Foras na Gaeilge

Below are some links for learning Irish:



